KB01: Useful MATLAB Commands

A few Important Commands

demo Run MATLAB's built-in demonstrations
clc Clear the Command Window
clf Clear the contents of the current figure window
clear Clear the variables in the workspace
CTRL + C Abort the running program, returns a command prompt
diary Keep track of everything done in the MATLAB session

General Purpose Commands

Operators and Special Characters

+ Plus; addition operator
- Minus; subtraction operator
* Scalar and matrix multiplication operator
.* Array multiplication operator
^ Scalar and matrix exponentiation operator
.^ Array exponentiation operator
\ Left-division operator
/ Right-division operator
.\ Array left-division operator
./ Array right-division operator
: Colon; generates regularly spaced elements and represents an entire row or column
( ) Parentheses; encloses function arguments and array indices; overrides precedence
[ ] Brackets; enclosures array elements
. Decimal point
... Ellipsis; line-continuation operator
, Comma; separates statements and elements in a row
; Semicolon; separates columns and suppresses display
% Percent sign; designates a comment and specifies formatting
_ Quote sign and transpose operator
._ Nonconjugated transpose operator
= Assignment (replacement) operator

Commands for Managing a Session

clc Clears Command window
clear Removes variables from memory
exist Checks for the existence of file or variable
global Declares variables to be globa
help Searches for a help topic
lookfor Searches help entries for a keyword
quit Stops MATLAB
who Lists current variables
whos Lists current variables (long display)

Special Variables and Constants

ans Most recent answer
eps Accuracy of floating-point precision
i, j The imaginary unit \(\sqrt { - 1} \)
Inf Infinity
NaN Undefined numerical result (not a number)
pi The number π

System and File Command

cd Changes current directory
date Displays current date
delete Deletes a file
diary Switches on/off diary file recording
dir Lists all files in the current directory
load Loads workspace variables from a file
path Displays search path
pwd Displays current directory
save Saves workspace variables in a file
type Displays contents of a file
what Lists all MATLAB files in the current directory
wklread Read .wkl spreadsheet file

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