Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI)

The Serial Peripheral Interface bus (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface specification used for short-distance communication, primarily in embedded systems. The SPI bus is commonly used for communication with flash memory, sensors, real-time clock (RTCs), analog-to-digital converters, and mode.

Interface and Features

SPI features include:

  • SPI signals include:
    • SCLK: Serial Clock (output from master)
    • MOSI: Master Output Slave Input (data output from master)
    • MISO: Master Input Slave Output (data output from slave)
    • /SS: Slave Select (often active low, output from master)
    • SDAT: Serial Data I/O (bidirectional I/O, combined MOSI and MISO signals together)
  • Data length: 3- to 16-bit data width
  • Bit rate: support up to 18 Mbps
  • SPI serial bus can be configured as 4-wire (default) and 3-wire mode

SPI Operating Modes

There is no pre-defined protocol in SPI, the master and slave need to agree about the data frame for the exchange. The data frame is described by two parameters: clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA). CPOL parameter is used to define whether the clock is idle when high or low. CPHA parameter is used to shift the sampling phase. If CPHA = 0 the data are sampled on the leading (first) clock edge. If CPHA = 1 the data are sampled on the trailing (second) clock edge, regardless of whether that clock edge is rising or falling. The 4 modes combine polarity and phase according to the following table:

Table: SPI Clock Phase (CPHA) and Clock Polarity (CPOL) Operation

Mode Clock Polarity
Clock Phase
SCLK Transmit Edge SCLK Receive Edge SCLK Idle State
0 0 0 Falling Rising Low
1 0 1 Rising Falling Low
2 1 0 Rising Falling High
3 1 1 Falling Rising High

CPOL: used for clock idle state

  • 0 — Clock idle low level
  • 1 — Clock idle high level

CPHA: used to shift the sampling phase

  • 0 — Data Sampled at the leading edge (no delay)
  • 1 — Data Sampled at the trailing edge (delay)

Timing Diagram for Clock Polarity and Phase

The following diagram shows the four possible states for these parameters and the corresponding mode in SPI.

SPI Modes

  • Mode 0 — CPOL = 0, CHPA = 0
    SPI Mode0 s
    Data is sampled at the leading rising edge of the clock. The data must be available before the first clock signal rises. The clock idle state is low (0). The data on MOSI ad MISO lines must be stable while the clock is high, and can be changed when the clock is low. The data is captured on the clock's rising transition and propagated on the falling clock transition. Mode 0 is by far the most common mode for SPI bus slave communication.
  • Mode 1 — CPOL = 0, CHPA = 1
    SPI Mode0 s
    Data is sampled at the trailing falling edge of the clock. The first clock signal rising can be used to prepare the data. The clock idle state is low (0). The data on MOSI and MISO line must be stable while the clock is low and can be changed when the clock is high. The data is captured on the clock's falling transaction and propagated on rising clock transactions.
  • Mode 2 — CPOL = 1, CHPA = 0
    SPI Mode0 s
    Data is sampled at the leading falling edge of the clock. The data must be available before the first clock signal falls. The clock idle state is high (1). The data on MOSI and MISO lines must be stable while the clock is low and can be changed when the clock is high. The data is captured on the clock's falling transition and propagated on the rising clock transition.
  • Mode 3 — CPOL = 1, CHPA = 1
    SPI Mode0 s
    Data is sampled at the trailing rising edge of the clock. The first clock signal falling can be used to prepare the data. The clock idle state is one. The data on MISO and MOSI lines must be stable while the clock is high and can be changed when the clock is low. The data is captured on the clock's rising transition and propagated on the falling clock transition.

SPI Bus Connection Modes

SPI bus connection can be configured on 4-wire or 3-wire mode.

  • 4-wire serial bus mode: SCLK, MOSI, MISO, AND SS signals

SPI 4WireMode s

  • 3-wire serial bus mode: SCLK, SDAT, and SS signals

SPI 3WireMode s

4-wire bus mode is SPI standard connection mode. It supports full-duplex data transaction, which means SPI allows to transmit and receive data simultaneously on two data lines (MOSI and MISO),

In 3-wire serial bus mode, MOSI and MISO lines are combined to a single bidirectional data line (SDAT). Transactions are half-duplex to allow for bidirectional communication. Reducing the number of data lines and operating in half-duplex mode also decreases maximum possible throughput; many 3-wire devices have low-performance requirements and are instead designed with low pin count in mind.

SPI Connections for Multiple Slaves

SPI devices communicate in full-duplex mode using a master-slave architecture with a signal master. There are two ways to connect multiple slaves with a master:

Individual Slave Select Configuration

In this configuration, the SCLK, MOSI, and MISO are shared by all devices. Each device has an individual slave select (/SS) line. The master will pull low on a slave /SS line to select a device for communication. A pull-up resistor on the /SS line is highly recommended for each individual device to reduce cross-talk between devices. The data lines (MOSI and MISO) are connected with slaves in parallel connections.

SSI Connection01

Daisy Chain Configuration

SPI devices may be connected in a daisy chain configuration. The data lines (MOSI and MISO) are connected with slaves in serial connection — the first slave data output is connected to the second slave data input, etc. The whole chain acts as a communication shift register; daily chaining is often done with shift registers to provide a block of inputs or outputs through SPI. This configuration only requires a single /SS line from the master, rather than a separate /SS line for each slave.

SSI Connection02

To write code for a new SPI device, you need to note a few things:

  • What is the maximum SPI clock speed the device can use?
  • Is data shifted in Most Significant bit (MSb) or Least Significant bit (LSb) first?
  • Is the data clock idle when high or low? Are samples on the rising or falling edge of clock pulses?
  • Is the connection in 4-Wire or 3-Wire mode?


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